tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2013

Viimeistä viedään..


Viikko sitten tähän aikaan oli täysi tohina päällä. Tuskastumisen hetkiä koettu, epävarmuus ja epätoivokin olivat tuttuja sanoja joita kuulin käytävillä.

Maanantaina puolenpäivän aikaan työurakkamme Kunstenniemen leirikeskuksessa alkoi lounaan merkeissä. Lounaan jälkeen jakauduimme ryhmiin ja asetuimme huoneisiimme mahdollisimman mukavasti, pystyäksemme innovoimaan toimeksiantajille uusia ja ihmeellisiä mahdollisuuksia.

Tiimimme aloitti työt heti pikimmiten. Käytimme ohjaajien neuvojen mukaan paljon työkaluja, jotka olivat itselleni jo tuttuja aikaisemmista projekteista. En siis tarkoita vasaroita tai ruuvimeisseleitä, vaan kehittämisen työkaluja. Pyrimme laajentamaan tietoamme projektistamme, laajensimme ja laajensimme.



Löysimme uusia ulottuvuuksia, mutta pyrimme pitämään toteutuksen suunnan mielessä. Laajensimme ”tuplatimantin” ohjeiden mukaan, kunnes tuli aika tiivistää työmme ja luoda jotain konkreettista. Tässä tapauksessa meidän konreettisuutemme oli ideat. Haimme toimeksiannolle kolme tärkeintä pointtia joihin lähdimme hakemaan vastauksia.






Teimme töitä tiiviisti, mutta säilytimme rennon ilmapiirin ryhmän kesken. Pääasiallisesti kommunikoimme englanniksi. Toki välttääksemme väärinymmärryksiä käytimme jokaiselle ominaista kieltä tarpeen tullen. Monikulttuurisuus oli siis mukana työskentelyssämme.
Sää ei suosinut päiviämme Kunstenniemessä, mutta se ei työtahtiamme haitannut. Hyvää ruokaa ja seuraa oli sitäkin enemmän :)

Saimme esityksemme ajoissa valmiiksi ja jokaiselle illalle jäi myös aikaa ryhmäytymiselle ja uusiin ihmisisiin tutustumiseen.

Kokemuksena INNO58 oli hyvin innovatiivinen ja se vaati paljon mukavuusalueelta poistumista.

Näihin kuviin ja tunnelmiin ;)



tiistai 16. huhtikuuta 2013

day 2 - still going strong!

The Five Fingers have a long day of idea constructing behind of us - but work is nowhere near done! The presentations is just in the making, look forward to a visually attractive show :)
We have summarized all our work into a neat portfolio to hand over to our client and all the pictures taken during working days will follow as a separate post - you just wait!

Alexandre presenting the innovation tool of the day!

maanantai 15. huhtikuuta 2013

Let the work commence!

Work has begun! Brainstorming ideas! excuse quality of picture taken in a dark place ;)

torstai 11. huhtikuuta 2013

Group meeting 11.04.13

Today we met up with Jari Ylinen from Kehityspolut OY to discuss our assignment before going to Kunstenniemi. The whole group gathered at Novia Café at 9 o’clock in the morning and soon after that, Jari accompanied us for a coffee.

He started by telling us some background information about his company, and what he has been doing for about two and a half years now. His idea was to get in contact with local farmers to help them deliver their products as easy as possible to supermarkets so that they could increase their sales. He knew that this was a problem for the farmers and that they found it very difficult to get in contact with supermarkets, while the supermarkets on their part had a lack of information about local producers. So Jari wanted to create a good relationship between these two to make a win-win situation for both parts. And for his own company, of course.

After getting in contact with several farmers and local producers and providing the stores, parts of the TOK-group, with local products, Jari soon noticed that the delivery strategy did not work very well. Soon they decided for a new way to work: the local farmers all deliver their product to the most efficient of the companies, which in this case was the Auranlaakson Leipä. Since this was the company where the logistics had been working very good, providing the 12 supermarkets in the area with their products, the other producers now could get their products as frequently to the retailer more often. Auranlaakson Leipä usually delivered their products 3 times a week. The most common products delivered to the supermarkets are flour, meat and other already transformed products, and not as much “fresh food” as we at first thought.

Then to the challenge: Jari finds it very difficult to find farmers with good products and good cooperation skills. Most of the time the farmers feel like they are being abused and they just want to keep a small business, so they decide to do it by themselves without distributing to Supermarkets. For us, the assignment is as follows: our task is to increase the turnover with 20% over a year. At the moment it is 200.000€.

After Jari left us with all the background information and the task, we started discussing some ideas. How should we handle this? What are the main things to focus on? We came up with some new ideas, and started developing the ideas that Jari had come up with. After this meeting, we realized something: WE ARE READY FOR KUNSTENNIEMI!  

Team member Marjo

Hey! My name is Marjo. I am a second year student in beauty care and management in Turku University of Applied Sciences. My studies consist of marketing, business development, service design and chemistry for example. I think that my biggest field of interest is marketing. I look forward  next weeks camp at Kunstenniemi :)

Team Member: Alexandre

Hello everyone,

My name is Alexandre (but everyone call me Alex, much more easier ;) ) and I am a 21 year old french exchange student. In my home university i am currently studiying Tourism Management (2nd year) and here in Turku I study Hospitality Management at TUAS.
The field of Tourism is very wide and i am mostly interrested in working for a Hotel (in marketing/event).


keskiviikko 10. huhtikuuta 2013

Team member: Linda

Hello all!

My name is Linda Sjö, a third year Tourism and Hospitality Management student from Novia UAS - pleased to meet you :)
So going on the third year of my studies I pretty much only have my thesis left to write - exciting times! When I eventually graduate from Novia I hope to work with the international market, sorry, I currently don't have a better word to describe my future visions with! Our studies at Novia focus greatly on entrepreneurial skills and I feel like this is definitely a skill that will come in handy in the future. I'm interested in advertisement and branding, and on the touristic sector my passion lies in cultures and cultural conflicts, languages and tourist behavior.

Some of my favorite activities include going to the gym, cuddling with my cat or having a good time with my friends and family.

Look forward to working with all of you at INNO!



My name is Tony Ahlfors, I’m 21 years old and first year business administration student at Novia University of applied science. My biggest interests in my studies is accountancy and it’s also the field I’m going to major in. I have earlier also studied a year of information technology at Novia but it wasn’t wryly my thing J

maanantai 8. huhtikuuta 2013

Team Member: Jeanette

My name is Jeanette, even if almost all of my friends calls med Tette. I am a 23-year-old marketing student at Åbo Akademi, and my biggest field of interest is branding and HR. My studies are going well, even if I take a little bit too much on me at the same time. Now, for example, I have 5 courses AND I am the PR-manager of our student board at Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi. So that's probably why I am very stressed and cutting it short this time. Sorry for that!

Team Member: Roland

Thought I would introduce my self, my name is Roland Engström (But everyone calls me Rolle), I'm 24 years old and I'm a fourth year Information Systems student at Åbo Akademi, I'm also the team leader for Fivefingers.

I'm majoring in Information Systems and focusing on customer experience and user interfaces, and my minor subjects are marketing and organizational management.

I'm not much of a blogger and have never really gotten used to writing random stuff about myself, as I have a hard time understanding why it would be interesting to read about me, despite the fact that quite a lot of random stuff do happen around me :D Stay tuned for a possibly more detailed post about me when we're at Kunstenniemi and I might have some more inspiration.
Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/Rolle88


perjantai 5. huhtikuuta 2013

Working day @ Novia UAS 5.4.13

At 9AM sharp the Five Fingers gathered at Novia UAS to start a busy working day!

We were met by Johanna and Sari from Tuleveisuuden Tutkimuskeskus,  the Finnish Future research Centre (FFRC) and introduced to a futures workshop. After hearing about different research methods we started working: we were going to imagine ourselves and our businesses into 2025 where we should focus on all kinds of possible and impossible destinies. We decided to focus on boosting productions. We brainstormed a bunch of idealistic ideas and later grouped them into smaller unities from which we chose the best one to present to the others – we came up with a short story about a future farmer who provides his community with sustainable, delicious local produce.

After a tasty lunch we were back at the desk, this time focusing on a business model canvas.  We decided to contact some major supermarkets in Pargas for some closer information regarding local produce. For this we came up with some questions. Once the canvas and the interview questions were done we created a common Dropbox-account and decided on a meeting with our contact person.
Next week looks to be busy busy as we create portfolios and find out even more information – Kunstenniemi  is calling!

Enjoy your weekend J

/ the Five Fingers

                                     Some brainstorming from today!